To the girl-- (and to God..)
What if I told you I loved you? What if I threw myself to the ground on one knee as a man in the throws of a wedding proposal? What if I threw myself onto the ground upon two knees after waking up from that wedding dream in order to pray for the future of that love? What if it were really this prayer, this hope in today & the future that propelled me towards you? What if our faith could really be the common denominator that united us? What if both of us on our knees lead to a city on their knees? What if that city on its knees lead to a nation on its knees, which then lead to entire continents pouring out to you in prayer? What if you delighted in our constant botherings that we brought to you?
to myself and anyone else listening --
Oh wait, scripture says that you do! However, we still look at you in the way that a child full of fear looks at his parents and doesn't want to pester them. We just want to go about our lives and leave you alone and keep quiet in the moments that we realize your presence so as to not take a chance at upsetting you. We forget that you tell us you have appointed watchmen over Jerusalem to pray constantly until you answer. Sadly, in our day.... we have lost ourselves as the watchmen. We have resigned our rights to true intimacy with you. We are not patient enough to pray for true intimacy. This is sad, because without patience there can never be true love. (This stands true in love of God & even neighbor (to an extent) & especially whereas spousal love is concerned.. but in a differing way..)
The summation & revelation--
If there is no intimacy with the Father, then there will be no true intimacy with the people! I write this as an oath of intimacy with you. This is a vow of my own personal choosing. You are my portion in my time of joy and of sorrow. You are on my lips in the time of day and of night. You are on my heart in time of famine and of feast. You are like a tidal wave coursing out from my bones and causing a tsunami that washes grace over my soul. May that grace be contagious. May that grace be the only thing that attracts another human soul to want to be in my presence. Let it not be about me. Let it be about you. And even if I should ever be blessed with a "helper".. (wife).. let it be as I described in my 1st paragraph. Let us be united in prayer, and through faith.. even before truly meeting and knowing each other. This is the only way that you will be the ultimate glory and praise of a marriage. Let my life, with wife, without wife, with strife, without strife... let it all be a mirror of you.
It is for your beautiful name...
{& since this is not a one time statement or story.. I cannot end it. IF this were greek it would have to be in the present indicative form most likely (indicating a present & ongoing action).}
p.s. -- There are verses that go with all of this stuff, but I just felt like writing from the heart. Obviously, if I am in the spirit then my heart is going to be speaking things that reflect the scripture.. as it is written. IF anyone reads this and desires scriptural reference to these things, I will be glad to supply them.
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