It has been said that when you are stranded in life then you are all alone. This is the meaning of that word stranded, to be completely and utterly lonely in every sense. How could you know if you really are alone in every sense? Don't the trees whisper the hints of the divine? Don't the waves roar the greetings of the magnificent? Then you!, why should you keep on running in place while saying, “I am so terribly alone in every way!”. Look at this life, wasn't it made for true living? Weren't YOU made for true living? Why then must you keep biting at yourself until your body and mind give way to the lie that you have created? This is nothing more than a product of your own dissolute fixation.
Behold, 40 men set out on a journey and with them they took many supplies. One man was put in charge of the food. One man was put in charge of the water. Still, another man was placed in charge of the security of these items. Now these men set out on a journey from the Ethiopian highlands to Egypt, for the land was drying up. Now this journey would be a long and grueling one, since the region was enclosed by mountains on either side.
The travelers set out on their journey and were determined to make the most of the day. Each day they awoke with this mindset, knowing that every minute other hungry people from the highlands may be beating them to Egypt. Now, it was important that they arrive there before the others, because even a mighty place as Egypt would not allow an entire nation of outsiders to dwell among its native people.
First came the mountains, but in order to leave the once flourishing highlands they would have to make a sacrifice. See, some of the travelers had grown weary at this point and in order to climb the mountains on either side they would need to be revived with food and water. The problem was that the men in charge of the food and water could only bring enough for a forty day journey. Seeing as this was the case, the travelers were told that they may have to face extreme hunger at times in order to stretch the food and water supplies. Nevertheless, the travelers grew weary and indignant and cried out for sustenance. As this was the case, the three in charge discussed the issue and sided with the people for the sake of argument.
The next morning after everyone had filled their bellies and gotten their rest, the camp set to cross the mountains. Near the summit though, the man in charge of food had a fierce encounter with a mountain lion. Now the man wasn't hurt, but all of the food was lost as the animal took from it while he was sleeping. The other two leaders of the camp were outraged and said, “Why is it that you would lie down and rest and sleep during the day when you should have been making preparation for the whole group?” Then the other leaders voted to leave the one in charge of food on his own so that he might die or survive of his own cause.
Now this man, left to his thoughts and the LORD, realized that the mountain on the other side of the highlands wasn't nearly as treacherous on the descent. This man, who had been abandoned for dead by his group, left the mountain that the group was ascending so that he may climb the other mountain instead. Now, to do this he would have to travel back across the trail that had already walked so that he may reach the way that he saw as correct in the LORD's eyes.
This man reached the other mountain in 10 days and didn't suffer much hunger or thirst, for the way that he traveled held many wild creatures which the LORD provided as food. There were also many brooks and even a river to help lead along his path to the mountain. This man was refreshed as he arrived at the mountain and climbed it without much problem. The man encountered a mountain lion once more, but had no food to carry with him so the lion kept his distance.
Now for the other travelers it was not so. These other travelers set out to descend the mountain on which they had ascended and found that it was a very steep drop off. For days the travelers squabbled amongst themselves trying to decide the best way to make the descent. Finally, after 10 days of squabbling, the two leaders exerted themselves to lead and decided to do something. Now these leaders, the same two that had no mercy on their fellow leader, were very proud and didn't want to admit that it would be safer to retrace their footsteps and climb the other mountain. Because of this pride, the two leaders kept their mouths shut and began descending the mountain.
At the three day mark,of the descent, the group of 37 travelers and 2 leaders had made it one third of the way down the mountain. The group had 27 days remaining to get to Egypt if they wanted to make time. At the sixth day mark, of the descent, the group of 37 travelers and 2 leaders had made it two thirds of the way down the mountain. At this point though, the leader in charge of the security of the water had become thirsty and began to take rations of the water that weren't allotted to him. So with 24 days remaining the travelers kept on through the night so that they made it to the foot of the mountain with 22 days remaining. Now the former leader, which had been left for dead, took only 5 days total to climb his mountain and descend it. So even after this time, this man, was left 25 days to get to Egypt.
Upon overtaking his mountain, the former leader bowed and thanked his God for delivering him twice from the lion and also for providing him with food and water to sustain him. This man now realized that he had 25 days in which to reach Egypt and began thinking about how he should proceed. The man first prayed to God for wisdom that he might not be foolish in his planning and cost himself life only for a moment of comfort. Because this man was so bold in his prayer, God granted him the wisdom to know that he would have to cross the Sahel region in order to get to Egypt the fastest.
Now, the other group, the group of 37 travelers and 2 leaders were not so. This group realized that they had only 22 days left to arrive at Egypt. These had arguing among the people because of the suffering that had already taken place. The two leaders once again convened to decide how to proceed from the foot of the mountain. These decided that the Sahel was not the way to go since it had become almost as harsh of the region as the Sahara in many aspects. These decided that they would travel around the outskirts of the Sahel. So then, the leaders lead the travelers the way around the Sahel closest to the coastline. Now this discussion of the two leaders took 2 days to decide upon so that there remained 20 days for travel.
Now the former leader, the one which had been abandoned by the group, was traveling straight through the heart of Sudan country. He encountered a Godly family in a small village and these people took note of his courage and humility. These realized that he had no one but God to look out for him. The traveler told these people his story and they felt compassion on him and gave him much. Now with new sandals, fresh bread and water, the traveler that once had nothing had as much as the entire camp had started out with. This one now had 22 days to reach Egypt.
Now, the other group was crossing around the outskirts of the Sudan region. These were along the coastal regions when a fierce storm blew in. The storm caused great rain and wind for three days and nights so that the camp had to completely halt their journey for a time. At the end of the great rains, the group had only 17 days to reach Egypt. The 2 leaders had not thought about such difficulty in traveling the coastal areas. At this time the water supply had also become contaminated with salt from the sea. These travelers now knew that they had a problem. Even the leaders couldn't hide their foolishness from the travelers at this point. The group now couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if they hadn't so hastily agreed to leave the other leader behind. The group wondered if maybe the other leader had been a threat to the other leaders to begin with. Maybe this is why the two leaders had opted so hastily and easily to leave him for dead?
Now, the one that had been left for dead earlier, he was flourishing in his conditions because of his great dependance and reverence for the LORD. This one traveled through desert like territory in the Sudan and didn't even have to hunger or thirst! Behold this was all because this man hungered and thirsted for righteousness first! Now with about 15 days remaining on the 40 day time table, this one arrived at Egypt early due to the LORD. The once abandoned one again prayed thanks to the LORD and even asked for further direction from him. The man knew that if the LORD had allowed him to be early then it must be for a reason. The LORD then placed it on the man's heart to travel to Cairo so that he may tell his story in the capitol city streets. Seeing this would please the LORD, the traveler journeyed 6 more days and arrived in Cairo on the 9th day remaining.
Now, the other group, the group of 37 and 2 leaders; they had become stagnant. These travelers knew at this point that their leadership was no good. The group was blinded though so that they could not see that they were also at fault for the mistakes of the leadership. These travelers opted to form a mutiny against their leadership. While the two leaders were sleeping one night, the crowd bound them in their tents and cast them into the sea. Each leader had a millstone tied around his neck. The travelers did not realize though, that throwing blame on the leaders, even if justly placed, would not help their own problems. By time the crowd had devised this scheme to take the lives of the leaders 2 days and nights had passed. Now, with 15 days remaining, the group decided that a few leaders would be a bad idea. The group pleaded that each member should have a vote in every matter so that no one again could unjustly rule over the whole or hide important information. So then the group had no food or water as the set out to finish the journey to Egypt.
Behold, the once abandoned one arrived in Cairo and spread his news of the LORD's great favor and mercy on those who love him. He shared that to each man a choice was given between two paths and two mountains and that one would be very deceiving. The man urged the people to pay close attention that they not trust in their own hearts, but instead have faith in God. He told them that one path would trick them into thinking that they all could have just enough of everything they wanted, but that same path would end in death. He told them that one path would be filled with hunger and thirst, but that it would grow hunger and thirst for righteousness. “It has been said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”, he said. So then upon this great teaching the people began to examine their lives and put their trust in the LORD. These people saw how one way seemed right to a man but ended in death and so they prayed in reverence for the LORD's great provision, power and grace.
Meanwhile, the group of the 37 set out to finish their journey without food or water. This group had made things worse on itself at this point because everyone had been given a say, even the ones that were ignorant. The group didn't realize that the whole lot of them were ignorant and blind for placing their trust in their own capabilities. This group of 37 traveled on for 3 more days with no food or water and at this point had 12 days left to get to Egypt. With no energy in which to move or travel, the group lost its drive and found itself off course and in the Sahara desert. Like a blind man walking to his own death, the group couldn't see the impending doom of any journey apart from the LORD's side.
In Egypt, the once forgotten one was honored by the Pharaoh and made into a great official for the nation. The forgotten one remembered these words, “To the one whom much is given, much will also be required.” The forgotten one did not forget where he came from and thus prayed to the LORD every chance that he had. This one continued sharing the Gospel of God and his own testimony throughout all of his days in Egypt, and so he prospered in the LORD. He told of how the two paths were good and evil and how one disguised itself so that it may be more appealing to men. Many men will travel that road, but blessed is the man that realizes his blindness and turns about to go the opposite way in accordance with repentance!
The group of 37 were not so, they were like chaff which the wind blows away. One by one the 37 realized that they had wandered into the desert. At this point, the realization of being in the desert did the group no good. Seem 7 days had passed of this wandering before the group came to its' senses. The group now only had 5 days to get to Egypt, but almost no life force in which to carry them to this land of greatness. Now, having no leader, the group began squabbling once again. Behold, this squabbling was like the entire journey of the 37 and the 2 leaders they had killed. No profit came of this, but instead they began devising ways in which to kill each other so that they might survive even a day longer in the desert. Water was scarce though, and so even the ones that resulted to greed and murder had no chance. These people had created an allusion in their minds and would go to any lengths to attain this dream of promise. The only thing the people didn't do is have faith. The people didn't pray and didn't give reverence to the LORD and so they fell away from his favor and from this life in a manner that no man would wish to suffer.
Now, even you righteous may face a desert in your life, but remember the one who had been left for dead. This one had faith and prayed and the LORD provided. This one even, though, did suffer hunger and thirst and various trials first, but it was so that he might hunger and thirst for righteousness above ALL things! You then remember this and do not be like the chaff of the 37 travelers that would not take blame for their own problems of sin and forgetfulness of God! You then do not be like their 2 leaders either, for they not only forgot the LORD, but set the pattern of deception that their people would follow for all of their days. I tell you, these men have suffered at the hands of the world but it is nothing compared to the death of many deaths that they would have to face thereafter! You then, lead not one man astray by the wicked ways of false teaching, but instead prepare yourself for righteousness and then share your knowledge of wisdom and repentance. Do this, even as the righteous traveler did and you too will be blessed with a wisdom of God that permeates all situations and trails in life.
Friday, August 27, 2010
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