Friday, August 27, 2010

A Modern Parable

The flesh of man is like a guitar string that was manufactured with hidden weaknesses. What man can know these weaknesses unless he is told? And who then tells man of all hidden things so that their dull, calloused eyes may be opened? Is it not the son of man that reveals all hidden things, even those things once thought of as questionable and impossible by man, so that the light of dawn may be true as the everlasting light of the father that it was meant to be? We know then, that even the weakness of the faulty guitar string is nothing compared with the weakness of man! For consider the cracks within man's will that he can do nothing in and of his of his own self! But with God all things can be made new again!

I tell you, a man is like that broken guitar string that was manufactured with many hidden weaknesses. The world could not foresee these weaknesses but the father foresaw of them and intended them for humility and holiness. He saw that these weaknesses would be so in order that man might look to him and realize that with God the impossibilities of man are rendered possible! This same broken guitar string is also like a man that doesn't behold his need for grace; but once broken, he may run to that same grace he once ignored so that he may have life everlasting. At this moment man's heart will no longer be a broken string, but instead it will become a vibrant one with sounds like many harps that echo God's glory to a lost and dying world. At this moment, even now, his heart will become a vibrant string that will never break, because his humble exaltation of the Lord has made him new. His heart will be like a new and shining one that is immune to the lust of the world and only moved by the purity of heaven. He will sit before the Lord's feet and sit even as Mary did, unworried about the concerns of the world. This one, he will realize that he was like a guitar string manufactured with many weaknesses. This one, he will realize that his weaknesses grew humility and out of humility holiness! This one will draw near to God, and God to him. This one will pray, and he will fast and he will have faith in all things! But you, be like this one and not the many that have grumbled over these weaknesses to the point of bringing even more folly upon themselves. For out of much turmoil can many great blessings come, but out of needless words only the bread of idleness will be born! After all, did Noah profit the blessing of God by idle words or by faith? Did not David profit the favor of the Lord by realizing the battle is the Lord's? Did not Job profit in reverence for the LORD over argument? Then you also realize that weakness in the eyes of men can be used for great things by the LORD of the universe! Does not the Lord, your God, still use the despised things of the earth to bring his name glory? Does not the LORD use the weak things of the world to show his strength and bring the kings and mighty men of this world to their very knees? You then, count yourselves as honored if you should be weak or endure any manner of suffering for the Lord's name and count it as an honor being brought before his very face! The eyes of the LORD are continually upon his children and he cannot forsake a righteous man. You then, be righteous and root yourselves in Christ as he is the Godhead in its fullness, even born of flesh. You then, be holy even as the father is holy, for the spirit of Christ can make even forgotten things new!

Even this world is like a guitar string manufactured with many hidden weaknesses. The very creation groans to be reconciled to God yet again! You then, having much more favor in God's eyes than the trees and birds and fish, realize that God is light! You then, realize that the Christ died so that all things may be reconciled to the father yet again! In this way, the new day may dawn and the new world may be much sweeter than the old corrupted one. Did not the psalmist say that God knew you before you where born? Did not they say that dark is even as light to the father? For the father sees all and knows all. The father knows of your lying and sitting and all of your ways, even intimately! Where shall a man go from the father's presence? Or where shall a man go to be out of reach from the spirit? This spirit, of God, shall search the bottomless pit, the depths of sea, even the caps of every snow covered mountain until he has found his one! This spirit searches even the “unsearchable” to find the things that man can only dream of! I will praise the for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The spirit calls and beckons the broken to be made whole yet again!

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