Friday, September 10, 2010

strange dreams & what they might mean or not mean lol..

So, who all dreams? Hopefully everyone reading this. I have a problem. I usually don't remember my dreams. Scientifically speaking, I know I do have several dreams a night probably.. I just don't ever have a sense of having them... or remembering them.. AT ALL! I wake up and all I know is the blackness of having closed my eyes & not being in a wakeful state for hours. Only seldom is this not the case.

Lately, I've had a few very very very vivid dreams.. in which the detail is so pristine and precise. I would wake up and be haunted by the dream for the remainder of the day.. or as with the two I am about to share... weeks.. maybe a month. These two have stuck with me (not unlike 2 similar "vision" type experiences I had amidst heavy prayer during the summer). I won't go into visions or dreams & whether or not they are truly spiritual or not. I used to not believe in the "Gifts of the spirit" even really. I used to not believe that some of these things were for today.. yeah.
I only profess what I have seen & heard & been a part of... the rest is a burden that rest on Jesus. Again, I'm not sharing "visions" here... as those kinds of things can confuse new believers & can also lead people into the false doctrines on such things that are spread by other non-Christian groups. While it is a good thing to seek gifts of the Spirit.. or to have them. It is better to know that Christ alone is sufficient for salvation & that everything else relies on that basis!

Dream 1 (this dream happened about 2 months ago)-- I am in what appears to be a large worship type center. I notice that there is an old style architecture that appears possibly to have just been made that way (so perhaps it's not really old, only designed that way). I see pipes as those of an "in house" organ attached to the wall. The floor is lined with a very red carpet through the isles that is bordered by hard-wood finish. I am taking a seat nearly 3/4 of the way back into the crowd, but centered so as to see what is going on up front. People are clamoring about at this point. Everyone is in suits & ties... plainly.. black & white. At this point I realize that I am also in a suit. For some reason this doesn't seem suspect to me even though none of the churches I've ever been a part of have held to this type of dress for all members.

Next thing I know, I'm praying in my mind. (I couldn't remember what I was praying amidst the dream.. I just know that I was praying). As I look up from praying two leaders of a church I have recently been a part of in MS came toward me. As the Pastor & worship leader of this church approached me, I wondered what it was that they wished to say to me. They both appeared very happy (but in a fake way) & they seemed to be almost inquisitive in their gazes even. The pastor grabbed my shoulder as I was seated & the worship pastor sat on my left & blocked me in so as to keep me from avoiding them. Next thing I know, the pastor is essentially begging me to tell him why I stopped going to his church a while back. (It then dawns on me (in the dream) that this pastor is wanting to know because his attendance has dropped off & he is searching for a way to attract large numbers)....

The pastor then begins imploring me as to what could have been the cause of my leaving again. I did not answer the first time, I simply peered directly into his eyes as a response to his question (as if to imply that he didn't need my words to know the answer that was before him). He then goes on to say, "Was it my teaching? Was it my sermons? Was it the language that I used?" At this time the worship pastor is chiming in as well asking me, "Was it the music? What kind of music would work more? Was it the style?"...

At this point I just looked at him and next thing I know I am standing up and walking toward the front as if to speak to a crowd. It was about this time that it seemed the crowd of people were no longer clamoring about, but instead.. seating themselves as if to hear something. I think I began thinking of repentance & itching ears & deception & everything that is not truth & how easily it clouds us & removes us from the direct path & will of God. I believe I was stepping up to speak on this. And this would (ironically) also be the answer as to why I left the church of these two leaders that were questioning me so intently.

So, this is the point where I wake up. I didn't know what to make of it. Was I a leader at some church and these guys had come to question why I left their church some years before? Were they present because it was a church leaders conference & I was set to speak or something? Either way, they were clamoring as to why I had left so that they could find out why others had left soon after me. They wanted a ploy to lure people back into their system of thought. They sought for me to criticize their methods but I did not. I don't know that I would have resisted that so easily in real life. I don't know that I would have just gazed directly into their eyes so that their own thoughts could judge their motives. I just know that directly after that.. I was about to proclaim truth to everyone in the building... hopefully to keep everyone else there away from & off the path that those other two church leaders had set themselves into ruin with. I'm still praying as to how & if & why & what this dream is relevant toward in my life.

Dream 2 -- (this happened about 10 or 11 days ago)-- I am bound by my hands, stripped of shirt & tied to a rather large tree (hanging by a branch so as to dislocate my shoulders (& I guess eventually starve me to death.. I don't know why they bound me to the tree). Anyways, I was apparently knocked out from pain or so they could bind my hands & place me on the tree. (again the ones that bound me never appear in the dream)... So, I start swaying to & fro.. trying to free myself from the tree somehow, I guess. I don't know why I would do this.. because having been there for a while it would only cause my shoulders to dislocate sooner.. maybe I was trying to speed up my death, I don't know. Anyways, I start singing to pass the time since I have no food or mode of good escape. I remember thinking to myself in the dream that if I should die on this tree, then I will sing to my creator until I go to be with him & see his face. It was not long after this silent thought of prayer & my singing... that the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life appeared through the distance coming out of a thick grove of trees towards me. The sunlight contrasted the limbs from which she entered my area and bounced off the locks of her wavy golden hair. I could not see her entire face at first, only a faint smile as she seemed to notice my swaying to try and free myself in rhythm as I sung to the LORD. I remember wondering why she would approach me (and smile at that). I mean, I was hanging from a tree.. singing to the LORD in anticipation of my sure death. Why would she approach me? Wouldn't she just think I was some whack job that maybe tried to hurt someone & was being tortured as punishment? Wouldn't she think I was just singing to the LORD out of some sort of drunkenness from the pain & hunger?

Regardless, she saw me & approached me. She continued closer until she was at the foot of the tree from which I was hanging. She did not speak, she simply sat her head upon that area where my torso and chest meet and embraced her arms around me. She smiled and pressed her face close as if to assure me that I was free even if bound by man's evil. In that moment, I no longer swayed.. or sang or cared for freedom. I was at the most uncertain point of my life.. and possibly about to die... and yet a stranger.. a beautiful stranger had loved me.. taking risks.. not knowing if I was dangerous or a lunatic... she heard my song.. she heard my cry to the LORD.. and she responded with love. She had made me realize that I was always free in love even when trapped. (Christ is love btw, so I was free in Christ!)

I still have no idea what that dream means.. or if it is significant to me. I feel like it most certainly is.. I just don't know the specific way in which it could be. I mean I know it is in at least the Biblical truth behind some of it.. but I just don't know if I know how & if other aspects of it apply to me. I know the first one seems to be more clear. The first dream seems to at least in part be applicable to ministry. This one may also.. I mean there is reference to being hung from a tree and facing uncertainty.. that certainly can correspond to the persecution of many in the Bible or even those in the world today. It could just be a comfort.. like the comfort from the stranger.. a message of peace sent from the LORD in response to my cries in time of need. It could be a glimpse to remind me of that when some tough time that is yet to come befalls me. I don't know.. it could be a great deal of other things to..

or .... both of these dreams could mean absolutely NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!

I do not think so, though. These 2 dreams have haunted my every waking moment.. they have come back to my mind amidst prayer.. they have come back to me during class.. they have come back to me during that phase of almost asleep but not quite completely asleep..

I just don't know.. but I wanted to share. If nothing else.. that was like a wild, allegorical fairy tale for you to read.. even though I believe it to be more.

As always, I am called to test these things.. yes.. everything.. even dreams.. and to hold fast to what is true. So, I will do just that. Kbye!

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