(2)-"It is insanity to run from God and search for love"
....I think we have all been guilty of ignorance toward one of these above statements at some point in our lives....
GOD IS LOVE, This is how we overcome the world. (1 John 4- 1John 5:5 has a lot to offer on this)
- {link to passage}- http://www.biblegateway.co
having said that I want to tell you a story:
*(1) "This is the story of God: he pursues you with his love and pursues you with his love ,and you have perhaps not said yes. And even if you reject his love, he pursues you even still. It was not enough to send an angel or a prophet or any other, for in issues of
love, you must go yourself, as God has come. This is the story of Jesus, that God has walked among us and he pursues us with his love. He is very familiar with rejection but is undeterred. And he is here even now, pursuing you with his love."- Erwin Raphael McManus
Now, this love which God seeks us with us not an"American" love by any sense. "American" love is a love that attaches itself to various forms of culturally and or socially "above average" people and things. In America we "love" that which is golden or sheek and new and trendy. However, we find that this love is like the love of a 15 year old school boy crushing on the first cute school girl that gives him 5 minutes of attention! "American" love can be good, but it doesn't have a lasting impact. It doesn't give joy. It brings only momentary happiness followed by despair, doubt and questions.
No, this love which God seeks us with is not an eastern world love either. Several eastern cultures take in the school of thought that parents should choose the marriage partner of their kid. The idea is that the parents know what's best for the kid. The parents have loved and raised and provided for the kid, and so the parents know how to best recognize someone who will be willing and able to carry that on for their kid. Now, the Idea behind arranged marriages often comes with the thought of "family marriage". This means that when one person marries another, the families are agreeing to become bonded together and to care for one another as their own family members. This concept works for some people and can produce strong marriages, but it does lack a central element of Freedom of choice.
I will give you this: The love of God is characteristically like "American" love & "eastern" love in ways. What I mean by this is that the love of God (like "American" love) leaves open the idea of change and adaptation to environment. Like the Bible, God's love is indeed present and true today and everyday. However, God's love is to be put alongside the loved & Christ (the lover) in context. By this I mean that the ways and means in which God shows and reveals his love to us are ever changing. Like "eastern" love, God calls us into a "family" marriage concept when we announce our love & devotion to his name. He calls us to be Sons and Daughters of his. He also calls us to be brothers and sisters united (like a family). He also calls us to be the Bride of Christ, clothed in purity and righteousness.
The differences are short, but essential to the concept of God's love. God's love is NOT like "American" love in terms of it's staying power. God's love may adapt to change by way of how he shows it (as previously mentioned) but it will never CEASE TO BE based on momentary circumstances.
God's love may be like "eastern" love in terms of the "family marriage" concept, but there is also a difference here. God doesn't force us into acceptance or "marriage" of Christ. God provides for us and clothes us and loves and cares for us, just like the parents mentioned in the "eastern" love model. The difference is that even though God knows Christ is the best one for us, he will never force us to accept him. There is freedom in the "Christ" model of love. There is staying power in the "Christ" model of love. There is joy in the "Christ" model of love.
GOD IS PASSIONATE....for love is never passive, but always passionate; and passion always leads to action
their is only ONE reason for God to come himself and it is because in issues of the heart, you can't just have someone else stand in for you*
consider these verses from Song of Songs-
"At night on my bed, I looked for the one I love;
I looked for him, but I could not find him.
I got up and went around the city,
In the streets and squares,
looking for the one I love.
I looked for him, but I could not find him.
The watchmen found me as they patrolled the city,
so I asked, 'Have you seen the one I love?'
Solomon is describing the desperation that comes when we seem unable to capture the heart of the one we love. I wonder if it ever occurs to us that God feels like this. But if God's love is immeasurable and unending, as the Hebrews describe him, how deep and profound must be his sense of sorrow and rejection. If anyone knows the pain of a love unreturned, it must be God.
Now if we've established that the "American" & "Eastern" concepts of love are both incomplete, then what concept works? Answer: It's the "Christ" concept. This is carefully pointed out through the scriptures. (though I won't bother inserting droves of various passages into this note)--If you need or want the passages, I can provide some for you via message. I'm always open to talking about the questions or concerns of the kingdom of God.
Now comes another question: What is the "Christ" concept of love?
One passage that comes to mind 1st when thinking on this is (John 21: 15-17).
A)- In this passage several important elements on the "Christ" concept of love are addressed.
B)- Note that Peter is asked 3 times of his love for Christ, using 3 different levels of the word "love".
C)- With each level of loving Christ, Jesus issues a new responsibility to Peter.
(& why would it be any different for us?)
D)- Even in Peter's expression of love for Christ, there was room left for sorrow, tears, grieving, mistakes, & repentance.
(This applies to us as well.)
These are good points to think on as You read and reflect on (John 21:15-17). Here is a good article I found that takes things in depth more, to really drive the point home:
It seems so strange, in ways, to think on a love that is this multi-faceted and complex & safe & unburdening at the same time. However, this is the very nature of Jesus. While being God in the flesh, he thought himself to not be equal with The Father in Heaven! Don't take my word for it, check out (Philippians 2:1-11).
- {link to passage}- http://www.biblegateway.co
In this, we are shown the "way" of love. We are shown what had to happen for love to be perfected, and what has to happen in our lives for love to be perfected in us. We must be seeking after the mind of Christ. It is not enough to know ABOUT him though, we must move beyond knowing about him or who he is and into KNOWING HIM! This requires an intimate, "give & take", "comfortable enough to survive disagreements" type of relationship! Beyond this, it requires us to move away from selfishness & towards selflessness! (One of the best Biblical examples of this is displayed through John the Baptist in John 3:30)
In this, John says: "He must increase, but I must decrease." (speaking of Christ)
Now I am going to include one of the best written articles I've seen on this passage (John3: 22-30)
{article link to John Piper's excerpt}- http://www.desiringgod.org
(just in case you would rather watch the segment, I'm including the video link at the end of the note.)
Now comes the most famous passage; the one all ladies seem to love. I think it's worth posting in here, for reasons beyond ladies liking the passage lol.
(1 Cor. 13)- More on the "way" of love...
{link to passage}- http://www.biblegateway.co
Paul offers even more advise to us on how to keep our relationship with Christ from being divided by relationships in the world. This is not to say that we aren't allowed to have relationships (or marriage), but that (if we do) we must know that our responsibilities, time, & priorities will be divided.
(1 Cor. 7: 1-9)- {link to passage}- http://www.biblegateway.co
In this, Paul points out that it is good to not be married. This is because being unmarried allows one to keep their focus/time/energy/devotion
In verse 26-40, Paul continues explaining this concept.
{link to passage}- http://www.biblegateway.co
All of this goes to show us that a "relationship" is pivotal for us to be IN CHRIST! What else could we compare following Christ to? We have been freed from the slavery of sin to become slaves of righteousness! However, Christ doesn't call us slaves; he calls us friends. (John 15:12-17 speaks volumes on this.)
{link to John 15:12-17}- http://www.biblegateway.co
We are to become the bride of Christ one day, regardless of our marital/relationship status with others on Earth. Here is what John was shown about Marriage of Christ to his bride (the church). {while in exile on the Isle of Patmos}
{link to passage Rev.21: 19- Rev. 22:21}- http://www.biblegateway.co
So, there you have it! This is an abbreviated explanation of the Love of Christ. This is the "Christ" way. The "American" way of relationships doesn't work &the "Eastern" way of relationships doesn't work, but the "Christ" way will work. This is because there is freedom & responsibility. Even with choice (single or relationship) there is still a foundational "Open relationship" with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit that must dictate "The way". This "Open relationship" with Christ is to dictate our lives by motivations. A man can plan things and a man can work at things, but motives are always important. What is your heart? This is what Jesus seemed to be yelling to the religious leaders of his day! They had cold hearts that were only concerned about rules and law instead of humanity. They were more worried about appearance on the outside than the condition of the inside (which God sees). This is what the "Christ" way is about. The "Christ" way models our relationships on Earth after the one that the Father in heaven offers each one of us through Jesus Christ.
If you sincerely believe this (& are single) then I would urge you to change your relationship status to "In an open relationship". This may seem odd or stupid, but I believe that it presents an opportunity to explain the Love of Christ to people. (& believe me, people will ask about your relationship when you declare it as "open") This is just a small thing, but Christ has told us that he uses the weak & small things to shame the seemingly strong & powerful. Trust me, facebook is small in the grand scheme of things, but I've seen God personally transform some lives through actions & talks of love, mercy, grace, hope, faith, healing and potential.. even through facebook. What the world uses as a social entertainment, Christ can use for social revolution!
" Love is the movement; Love is a revolution. This is redemption; we don't have to slow back down!"- Jon foreman (from "love is the movement" by Switchfoot)
{LOVE & FOOD}- (Excerpt by Christian George from his book: Sex, Sushi & salvation)
*(2)I am not sure if any of you watch competitive speed eating. any? Well, speed eating isn't really my thing either, but for Kobayashi it pretty much is the pinnacle of a Career, fun and in some ways life. Kobayashi broke hot dog eating contest around the world. In 2006 he ate over 53 hot dogs in 12 minutes to set a new world record! In 2007 he ate 63 and lost mind you! (the winner ate 66 just to let you know) Kobayashi is also the reigning champion of the crystal square off World hamburger eating championship and the glutton bowl, and the alka - seltzer US open of eating in 2005. Before Kobayashi eats he expands his stomach by eating large amounts of food. Every day he consumes around or above 6,000 calories and exercises to burn the excess fat off. Despite all the eating he maintains around a 6% body-fat level!!! (just to note Kobayashi is aided by a medical condition called "Gastroptosis" which allows his stomach to expand below his rib cage)
I think Kobayashi has much to teach us all about Christianity. Think about this, What would happen if we took in as much spiritual food as Kobayashi takes in physical food? Would we all just pop? How large is a "spiritual stomach" in the first place? Do we daily expand our "spiritual stomachs" in an effort to hold more than we did the day before? Is it a sin to be a spiritual glutton? What if we really did say to ourselves...."Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that come forth from the mouth of God." ....How much could things really change?? Hmmm???
ask yourself this:
"Are you hungry for God or are you full of yourself? What are your spiritual disciplines? Why aren't you praying, fasting and listening to God like you should? Do you ever even weep for the world?"- Christian George
....The answers to these questions might surprise you, I know I surprise myself when confronted with accountability! It is amazing what we will do to try to justify the things that we say and do even when we know that we have no business lying to ourselves or pretending. (by the way lying and pretending only make your problems worse, just saying from personal experience)*
{To the point of things}-
If we stop to think about it once we secure the thought in our mind that God IS love we still have yet to establish all of the sub-categories of what love is & is not! We still have to establish what the attributes synonymous with love REALLY are. (even beyond the abbreviated topics covered in this article!) I have been thinking about this & while this is just a partial list I believe what I am about to say will get that ball of intelligence known as your brain in thinking motion for a moment or two. Even so, imagine, we could spend an entire lifetime searching to become more wise in the love of God & his grace... and we still wouldn't even touch the tip of the iceberg! This is not because human intelligence is weak, (although it is weak compared to God's); This is because Love is that DEEP & searching.In fact, it is so deep & searching that it takes an eternity at God's side to even begin to fully understand it!
This is my prayer for all of us as we search to know love for an eternity at God's side.
{Psalm 139: 23-24}- "Search me, O God, & know my heart! Try me & know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, & lead me in the way everlasting!"
My friends, that way is love. Jesus Christ is love.
God = Love
Love =????
ZEAL (dedication)
(among many other attributes)
*John Piper video link that I promised*-